Cognitive Asia

Intelligence for Better Decision Making

Monitored Intelligence for Cognitive Asia - May 20, 2024









Cognitive Asia is an email-based report delivered to readers 4 times per week, most weeks.

The report covers developments in artificial intelligence, semiconductors, and cloud computing.

All Erudite Asia email reports live at the nexus of technology, business, and policy. Building a business in Asia is about so much more than keeping up with the technology. We help you build, deliver, and support the right product, for the right market, at the right time.

글로벌 AI 생태계, 60% 이상이 AI 모델에 집중…'AI 서비스' 새시장 부상

Global AI ecosystem, more than 60% focuses on AI models... ‘AI service’ new market emerges

ET News | Local Language | News | May 20, 2024 | Tech Development/Adoption

The global AI ecosystem has seen a significant focus on investment in AI model development, with over 60% of global AI investment going towards this area. However, it is expected that the focus will shift towards the AI service sector in the future. Major tech companies are dominating the AI model market, while smaller companies are gearing up to compete in the AI service market as generative AI technology advances. Companies are investing heavily in AI services specialized for various industries. In order for domestic AI companies to succeed globally, high-quality public data and relaxed data regulations are necessary for continued technological development.

科技股AI生死鬥!微軟、亞馬遜高調砸錢 輝達、台積電成贏家

Technology stocks AI life and death battle! Microsoft and Amazon spend high-profile money on Huida and TSMC as winners

NOWnews | Local Language | News | May 20, 2024 | UndeterminedUndetermined

Major technology stocks are experiencing a lucrative phase with the rise of AI applications, particularly in cloud services. Companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Alphabet, and Meta are heavily investing in AI to capture business opportunities, leading to significant capital expenditures and profit growth. Competing for market share, capital expenditures for these companies exceed $10 billion in a single quarter, with a focus on AI-related hardware like AI chips and servers. TSMC emerges as a winner, as it benefits from partnerships with Apple for cutting-edge chip designs. Apple, in particular, is focusing on combining hardware, software, and services to capitalize on the potential of generative AI. Despite its cautious approach, the company is investing heavily in AI technology, including AI server chips which are expected to be mass-produced in the future. Additionally, major technology companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Meta are also engaging in significant buybacks, showcasing their robust financial positions and continued growth.


News at 8 o'clock | Enter the "silent" coffee house; Can AI be used to write papers? Many universities have made it clear

Beijing News | Local Language | News | May 20, 2024 | UndeterminedUndetermined

Summary: Many universities are implementing measures to regulate the use of AI in writing papers for graduation projects. Some universities are conducting risk detection tests for AI-generated content and setting limits on the use of AI ghostwriting. The debate surrounds the ethical implications of using AI tools in academic writing and the need to establish guidelines and boundaries for students. Additionally, a new advancement in 5G technology called 5G-A, which offers improvements in speed, capacity, and latency, is being piloted in various regions. The development of 5G-A faces challenges such as lack of demand and performance gaps in real-world environments. Experts discuss the potential applications and benefits of 5G-A, highlighting its role in enhancing media services, transportation systems, and smart factories. Lastly, recent real estate policies in China focus on easing consumer transaction costs and increasing access to affordable housing. The government aims to balance demand and supply in the real estate market through new policies aimed at stabilizing housing prices. The evolving policy landscape reflects a cyclical pattern in addressing housing market fluctuations and underlines the importance of establishing a mature market mechanism for sustainable development.

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